Students of any of the ACTS schools may take courses from any of the other member schools directly and with no added charges. Cross-registration into courses of the ACTS Urban Clinical Pastoral Education Program or Spertus Institute for Jewish Learning and Leadership may involve different procedures and payment from each ACTS school; students are responsible to determine what particulars apply at their own schools.
Exceptions to the process of cross-registration exist (1) during the summer term when tuition is normally paid to the school offering the course; (2) for DMin courses other than Pastoral Care and Counseling, and for those students in the ACTS DMin in Preaching Program; and (3) in certain courses with limited enrollment. Each school in ACTS reserves the right to limit enrollment in certain courses for pedagogical reasons and to set its own policies for the admission of students from other schools to such courses. A student who cross-registers is subject to the policy for incompletes at the school of secondary registration.
Additionally, PhD students may cross-register only at other schools with a PhD program (CTS, GETS, LSTC, and TEDS). Requests for registration for other courses should be directed to your Dean.
Although every attempt is made to keep the course listings current on the Web, please consult the registrar of each school for changes, corrections and closed courses before registering.
Download Cross-Registration Form
Contact the Registrar at your school for more information and questions regarding cross-registration.