Hispanic ministries programs offered by McCormick (MTS) and Lutheran School of Theology (LSTC) offer a concentration within the course of study of the regular M.Div. and M.A.T.S. degrees. The programs prepare Hispanics and other bilingual persons to serve effectively in Hispanic communities, and offer courses in all fields of the seminary curriculum and in the practice of ministry in local Hispanic settings. In addition to the instruction provided by their own faculties, MTS and LSTC invite outstanding Hispanic theologians and ministerial practitioners to their campuses to expand the available resources.
For over three decades, through its Hispanic Theology and Ministry Program (HTMP), Catholic Theological Union (CTU) has provided theological education that is historically, culturally, pastorally and theologically situated in the U.S. Latin@ context. Currently HTMP offers an MA in Hispanic Theology and Ministry (MA-HTM), a MAPS concentration and a DMin. concentration in Hispanic Theology and Ministry, a graduate certificate in Hispanic Theology and Ministry, and a stable of specifically Latin@ themed courses. Courses are taught on campus in both Fall and Spring semesters, in online formats and in intensive (1, 2 or 3 credit options) though the CTU Summer Institute. CTU is a sponsoring institution of the Hispanic Summer Program (HSP). Through courses, lectures, and other special programming, HTMP seeks to resource those who minister with this largest growing demographic community in our church as well as assist in the ongoing development of Latin@ pastoral ministers and theologians.